Successful CCAIS Summer Internships 2023

Over the summer, the CCAIS team hosted two undergraduate interns, both supervised by Dr Jennifer Williams.

Hannah Phillips was part of the new cohort of “ENGAGE Ambassadors” within Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. The ENGAGE scheme promotes diversity in ECS by funding highly-talented female undergraduate students to work on a project that engages the general public in scientific research.

Hannah, who is now in her second year studying Biomedical (Electronics) Engineering at Southampton, described her experience:

Lila Marshman also joined the CCAIS team, having won an “EPSRC Vacation Internship”. This scheme funds the most able undergraduate students to gain first-hand experience of research.

Lila is starting her third year studying Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. She described her summer internship:

Each year, the CCAIS team works with several interns to test early research ideas, develop prototypes or design outreach activities. If you are interested in working with our interns or even sponsoring a project, please get in touch.

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